Babel Buster BB3-7301 BACnet IP to MS/TP Router

        Babel Buster BB3-7301 BACnet IP to MS/TP Router

        SKU: BB3-7301

        Control Solutions’  Babel Buster®BB3-7301 BACnet Router routes BACnet messages between BACnet IP and BACnet MS/TP networks, and also includes a Modbus TCP gateway. 

        • $739.00

        The Babel Buster BB3-7301 BACnet Router routes BACnet messages between BACnet IP and BACnet MS/TP networks. The BB3-7301 BACnet Router can be a learning router or configured router, and includes BBMD support. The BB3-7301 BACnet Router also provides slave proxy capability to answer to Who-Is messages on behalf of devices that do not support dynamic binding.

        The Babel Buster BB3-7301 BACnet Router can also operate as a BACnet gateway, reading and writing other BACnet devices and retaining a copy of object values in its own set of BACnet objects. The BB3-7301 provides a Modbus TCP client and server for operation as a gateway. The BB3-7301 can be used as a Modbus TCP to BACnet MS/TP gateway without routing.

        The BB3-7301 is an upgrade alternate for BB2-7030 offering higher performance at a lower cost. Routing efficiency is improved and gateway capacity increased. The BB3-7301 also provides a secure (https) web user interface.

        Feature Highlights
        • BACnet Router, IP to MS/TP
        • Configured or learning router
        • BBMD support for WAN connectivity
        • Slave proxy for static address binding support
        • BACnet Client/Server gateway for remapping BACnet objects
        • Up to 5,000 BACnet Objects and 5,000 Modbus Holding Registers
        • BACnet Input, Value, Output objects for Analog, Binary, Multistate
        • Modbus TCP client/server
        • FCC, CE Mark, UL 916 Listed, BTL Certified
        • Software Included, No Drivers to Buy

        Full product information, data sheet, online user guide, tutorial videos, and more available by clicking here.

        Control Solutions’ Babel Buster BB3-7301 is a BACnet router, slave proxy, and client/server gateway that allows remapping objects from multiple slaves into one master. You can use the BB3-7301 as just a router, just a client/server, or both at the same time. The BB3-7301 also includes BBMD support. The BB3-7301 is a performance upgrade of Control Solutions’ original BB2-7030 BACnet router.

        The BB3-7301 as a BACnet Router will route IP to MS/TP and vice versa via its local ports, and supports full router capability for multi-hop internetworks including via NAT WAN routers. Routing is simple to set up. Routing can be used without any other gateway features enabled.

        The BB3-7301 as a BACnet Slave Proxy will provide I-Am responses on behalf of MS/TP devices that do not have I-Am support, or are slave-only devices. The slave proxy capability will allow systems to utilize dynamic address binding with devices that do not support dynamic binding.

        The BB3-7301 as a BACnet Client/Server Gateway will poll BACnet IP and/or BACnet MS/TP slaves or servers, and retain copies of selected object properties. Upstream clients may then query the BB3-7301 to receive data originating from multiple devices. When used as a gateway, the BB3-7301’s routing can be disabled to avoid conflict with other routers on the network.

        The BB3-7301 includes a Modbus TCP client/server that provides optional BACnet to Modbus gateway capability. Value objects will poll their assigned Modbus register at the interval you specify. The content of the Modbus register will be given as the Present Value of the BACnet Value object when read. The Modbus register is written each time the BACnet Value object is written. The Value object corresponds well with the Modbus Holding register.

        As a Modbus gateway, Input objects will poll their assigned Modbus register at the interval you specify, and provide the Modbus data as the Present Value when read. Commandable Output objects can be used to write Modbus registers, and will update the Modbus device each time BACnet is updated.

        The BB3-7301 includes its own internal web server that provides a web based user interface for configuring the BB3-7301. Configuration is done using simple templates, and each web page has an online help section at the bottom.

        • BACnet IP to MS/TP Router
        • Configured or learning, I-Am route learning, I-Am-Router route learning
        • Slave proxy to support MS/TP slave-only devices
        • Client/Server gateway for remapping BACnet objects
        • Read/Write any standard BACnet objects as a Gateway
        • Up to 5,000 objects
        • Analog, Binary, Multi-State object types
        • Input, Output, Value objects
        • Commandable BACnet objects implement priority array
        • BBMD, COV support
        • BB3-7301 is also Modbus TCP client/server
        • Bidirectional data exchange between BACnet and Modbus
        • Supports Modbus coils, discrete inputs, input registers, holding registers
        • Supports signed, unsigned 16-bit, 32-bit, 64-bit integer Modbus registers
        • Supports IEEE 754 floating point (32-bit and 64-bit) Modbus registers
        • Supports Mod-10 format (2, 3, 4-register)
        • Modbus register mapping configured via secure web interface
        • Modbus registers may be scaled (x10, x0.1, etc.)
        • Modbus (master) polling interval configurable per point
        • User defined Modbus register map for Modbus server
        • Built-in data scaling for units conversion
        • Support for packed holding registers
        • Direct import of CSV files for faster point mapping
        • Hardened EIA-485 transceiver for BACnet MS/TP
        • 10/100BaseT Ethernet for BACnet IP and Modbus TCP
        • Configure via secure web pages with password protection
        • TLS 1.2
        • RSA-1024/SHA-256 self-generated certificates
        • Supports externally generated certificates
        • Flash file system with XML configuration files
        • Field upgradeable firmware
        • Includes “10X” file capacity
        • Powered by 10-30VDC or 24VAC 50/60 Hz
        • Power Consumption: 0.1A @ 24VDC
        • DIN rail mounting, 100mm H x 70mm W x 60mm D
        • Pluggable screw terminal block for power & RTU network
        • Operating temperature -40°C to +85°C
        • Humidity 5% to 90% non-condensing
        • FCC Class A, CE Mark, BTL Certified
        • Listed to UL 916 and (Canadian) C22.2 No. 205-M1983

        Maximum Object Counts and System Capacities for BB3-7301

        • BB3-7301 Object Pool allows up to 5,000 BACnet objects. The object pool may be allocated among the following object types, with a minimum of 1 per object type: Analog Input, Analog Output, Analog Value, Binary Input, Binary Output, Binary Value, Multi-state Input, Multi-state Output, Multi-state Value.

        • Maximum 1024 states for Multi-state objects with state text, actual number of objects/states supported varies by resource usage per object.

        • BB3-7301 allows user allocation of memory resources. Memory capacity will not support maximum counts of everything possible, but maximum count limits are set high so that you can allocate resources where you need them. For example, you can have 5,000 BACnet objects and 5,000 read maps – but not 5,000 of each type of read map. Most applications will only use one type of read map anyway.

        • Maximum BACnet object count 5000
        • Maximum BACnet IP device count 200
        • BACnet IP Client read map count 5000
        • BACnet IP Client write map count 5000

        • Maximum Modbus TCP device count 200
        • Modbus TCP Client read map count 5000
        • Modbus TCP Client write map count 5000

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